Blockchain per il bene comune? | Economia e Politica

In recent months, the focus on blockchain – the technology created to encourage online cryptocurrency exchange like Bitcoin – has grown exponentially among scholars and politicians. Blockchain is a particular type of distributed ledger written by decentralized, usually anonymous groups of agents rather than known centralized parties. Consensus is attained by making the ledger publicly viewable and verifiable. While some characterize the blockchain’s state-of-the-art as a ‘speculative vision’, others seem to agree that its only limitation is the imagination of the user community. In this paper we try to understand if the characteristics of blockchain can be useful to tackle and solve the main problems related to the use of an important category of economic goods: the common goods.

Squilibrio: i cambiamenti strutturali dell’economia e il ruolo dello Stato

Stimolare la domanda e gli investimenti non sempre garantisce una crescita stabile del sistema economico. Lucarelli e Romano in “Squilibrio” si servono dei preziosi contributi della teoria economica […]

L’economia dei giganti

In the last decades, the mergers and acquisitions among firms have created large oligopolistic concentrations which operate simultaneously in many economic sectors and in different countries. This article describes some of the economic and political problems caused by oligopolies and analyses the role of antitrust in addressing them. utilizza cookies propri e di terze parti per migliorare la navigazione.