L’economia fondamentale come possibile alternativa al pensiero mainstream

Che cos’è l’economia fondamentale Il Collettivo per l’economia fondamentale è costituito da ricercatori di diverse discipline e di varie nazionalità, molti già noti nel mondo degli studi. Davide […]

Working poor | Lavoro e povertà: le conseguenze della flessibilità

This article highlights the relationship between labor market deregulation and the number of workers living in absolute poverty in 15 countries of the European Union.

Perché dopo la crisi del 2008 l’agenda neoliberale è ancora dominante?

Neoliberismo | Massimo De Minicis | La crisi del 2008 ha dimostrato che le politiche economiche mainstream sono dannose e fallimentari, ma la “retorica” neoliberale riesce ancora dominare […]

Ordoliberalismo 2.0 e ordopopulismo

Neoliberalism is told to be new, but it is old. It is the philosophy of the industrial revolution and – as Walter Lippmann wrote – “its task is to modify men and human behaviour, adapting them to the requirements of capitalism in all of its developments”. Today, this neoliberal political and anthropological project is hegemonic: market and competition (and creative destruction) are accepted forms of life. In particular, ordoliberalism is now ordoliberalism 2.0 and ordopopulism.

Quota salari e regime di accumulazione in Italia

During the last decades, there has been a considerable decline in the wage share in both developed and developing countries. This paper provides a theoretical and empirical investigation on the relationship between the redistribution of income in favour of wages and economic growth. The analysis deepens the effects of a change in the wage share on aggregate demand in Italy. The policy conclusions of the paper question the effectiveness of the current wage moderation strategies, especially implemented in Italy, suggesting the adoption of redistributive policies aiming at stimulating the growth of the economic system.

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