Eccesso di capacità e stagnazione secolare. Un nuovo framework per l’analisi

This paper aims to provide a first conceptual framework within which to explain the phenomenon of secular stagnation, highlighting the tendency towards a “chronic excess capacity” rather than referring, as in the mainstream analysis on the topic, to a “non-temporary excess of savings on the volume of private investments”. Our approach allows us to focus the role of mutual interactions between financial institutions and the real economy, as well as the power relations between the different economic actors.

Sui rischi dell’inflazione degli stock di ricchezza finanziaria

After the great crisis of 2007-2008, the average stock prices of financial wealth (stocks and securities) on the major stock markets have been characterized by a continuous growth that the economists are still struggling to explain. In this paper we propose an interpretation and a subsequent empirical review of the phenomenon that is based on a complete re-formulation of the quantum theory of the money. According to it, wealth stock inflation is an indirect effect of an excess of production capacity in the real economy and the associated process of creating new money.

Ripensare la funzione di produzione neoclassica

Cobb-Douglas aggregate production function surely represents the cornerstone of the neoclassical theory. However, its good fit implies the respect for a series of unrealistic and increasingly restrictive hypothesis. So, this article attempts to summarize and to analyze the most important objections to Cobb-Douglas function raised by heterodox economists.

L’economia dei giganti

In the last decades, the mergers and acquisitions among firms have created large oligopolistic concentrations which operate simultaneously in many economic sectors and in different countries. This article describes some of the economic and political problems caused by oligopolies and analyses the role of antitrust in addressing them.

Flessibilità e sicurezza? Come cresce il debito dei lavoratori

Common sense economic policies of almost all the European govern¬ments has been crossed by important reforms of the labor market towards higher levels of deregulation, redefinition of the welfare system and decline or stagnation in real wages. Is there a direct or indirect correlation between these policies and soaring forms of indebtedness of private households? utilizza cookies propri e di terze parti per migliorare la navigazione.