Una nota sulle definizioni di proprietà pubblica

The global financial crisis of 2007-2008 has reinvigorated criticism on the process of privatization during the previous decades. There are now several voices that ask for a renewed role of the State in the economic field, both in the academy and (sometimes) in the political debate. On the other hand, the numerous interpretations of the process of privatization have further contributed to the fragmentation of the topic, both in theory (what is meant with public ownership) and in empirical analysis (which juridical and organizational form is used by state- owned enterprises). To bring back the debate on a shared and homogenous base, it is useful to distinguish the process of nationalization from the one of socialization, as well as establishing which variables are relevant to update their definition.

Cybersecurity e vulnerabilità del fattore umano

In recent times decision makers have devoted a lot of attention to cyber threats since cybersecurity is a prerequisite for the good functioning of an increasing number of economic and non-economic activities. The effectiveness of legislative and control measures, however, depends on individual behaviours. In the absence of individual awareness and knowledge, increasing spaces for vulnerability open up. This paper aims to deepen the research on individual behaviours in the field of cybersecurity, in the awareness that the research does not yet devote the necessary attention to these phenomena. The results show a widespread vulnerability, even among more educated people who are supposed to be less likely fake news believers.

Referendum Costituzionale: il dualismo generalizzato boccia la politica che lo ignora

This paper shows the relation between a composite index of well-being and the lack of trust in the institutions in Italy. The data are taken from the last round of voting for the constitutional referendum in December 2016, and the last version of BES, that is a well-being indicator of ISTAT. From a methodological perspective the composite index of well-being is esteem of Stochastic Multiobjective Acceptability Analysis. The results show a generalized spatial segregation, and a North-South divide that involves all the aspect of life included in the BES, as well as the share people voting ‘yes’ in the 4th December referendum.

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