Debito pubblico, una questione di interessi

Italy has a ratio of public debt to GDP close to 132% despite 26 consecutive years of primary surpluses in public accounts. The data shows that interest expense led to the majority of the growth in this ratio, while the most effective factor to contain the increase was the GDP deflator. Trying to reduce the ratio parameter only by increasing primary surpluses seems a road of dubious effectiveness.

Sui rischi dell’inflazione degli stock di ricchezza finanziaria

After the great crisis of 2007-2008, the average stock prices of financial wealth (stocks and securities) on the major stock markets have been characterized by a continuous growth that the economists are still struggling to explain. In this paper we propose an interpretation and a subsequent empirical review of the phenomenon that is based on a complete re-formulation of the quantum theory of the money. According to it, wealth stock inflation is an indirect effect of an excess of production capacity in the real economy and the associated process of creating new money.

La moneta è capitale o debito di chi la emette?

  Come la Banca d’Italia documenta nelle sue informazioni statistiche sul debito pubblico, le monete metalliche, che pure hanno corso legale, sono considerate passività dello Stato che le […]

La ripresa e lo spettro dell’austerità competitiva

The external constraint is still crucial within the EMU: without industrial policies aiming at enhance growth and export competitiveness, the same austerity measures implemented in the aftermath of the Eurozone crisis would be reintroduced to confine aggregate demand in peripheral countries in order to curb their import. utilizza cookies propri e di terze parti per migliorare la navigazione.