L’appello: superare il Fiscal compact per un nuovo sviluppo europeo

Viviamo in un periodo di vera e propria emergenza europea, anche se ben pochi sembrano accorgersene. C’è una scadenza imminente a cui la stampa e la politica italiane […]

Spesa in deficit, debito pubblico e mercati finanziari

This article discusses the importance of the intertemporal constraint on the government budget for financially integrated market economies, and emphasizes the need for governments to ensure the sustainability of their liabilities as a precondition for the effective use of fiscal policy for anti-cyclical purposes. The paper concludes discussing the implications of the budget constraint for Italy’s fiscal policy, including under the hypothesis of the country exiting the euro.

Uscire dalla crisi con la Moneta Fiscale

Riceviamo e volentieri pubblichiamo questo contributo sulla moneta fiscale, con l’auspicio che si apra un dibattito su questa controversa “soluzione” per la crisi dell’economia italiana.   “La Grande […]

Polanyi, Hayek e le aporie del reddito di cittadinanza

Nowadays, basic income is acclaimed as the main example of a progressive idea of society, free from poverty and exploitation. However, as emerges provocatively by Polanyi and Hayek’s analysis, basic income could easily become an economic policy alternative to full employment. But when unemployment is accepted as a natural order in a situation of unsatisfied basic needs, we are facing a regressive vision of economic system.

Una banca-dati per i saldi settoriali europei

  1. Tra gli indici più significativi dello “stato di salute” di una economia vi sono i c.d. saldi macroeconomici settoriali, la cui rappresentazione algebrica sintetica[1] è la […]

Banche: fusioni e worst practices nella valutazione

This article’s objective is twofold: a) to argue that mergers and acquisitions among banks do not always advantage the financial system’s stability or the merging banks’ profitability (against the current storytelling that M&As are panacean); b) to highlight some widespread worst practices in valuing aggregation synergies as well as the share exchange of merging banks, showing the ample range of discretionary/manoeuvrable values in capital valuation.

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