La spesa pubblica in Italia e Germania: un confronto per periodi

The weight of public spending on GDP shows different trends in Italy and Germany. Not only is the growth of this parameter, over the period examined, greater for Italy, but Germany manages to contain the dynamics of this parameter by virtue of greater real GDP growth. The more general context seems to have allowed German administrations to effectively use public spending in an anti-cyclical function. The Italian paradox (i.e. a higher growth in public spending, not followed by a greater development of GDP) remains. A phenomenon that leaves the suspicion of a modest “quality” of Italian public spending.

Rapporto debito-Pil e moltiplicatori fiscali: il caso della manovra italiana

The estimations of the value of fiscal multipliers are an issue strongly debated by macroeconomic literature. Given the goal to reduce the debt/GDP ratio, this article shows the linkage between this ratio and the value of fiscal multipliers, emphasising that the composition of the recent Italian fiscal measures also matters.

Fondo Monetario Internazionale e Italia: raccomandazioni da maneggiare con cura

Fondo Monetario Internazionale Secondo il FMI l’Italia dovrebbe riprendere il percorso delle riforme strutturali e del consolidamento fiscale, ma si tratta di ricette che continuano a dimostrarsi inefficaci e […]

Disuguaglianze sociali nelle città italiane

The aim of this paper is to examine the spatial distribution of socioeconomic inequalities in the three most populous metropolitan cities in Italy: Rome, Milan and Naples. utilizza cookies propri e di terze parti per migliorare la navigazione.