E se di Germania ce ne fossero tre? Meglio fare da soli

Nelle questioni internazionali, si è soliti ragionare in termini di paesi intesi come “monoliti” guidati da interessi nazionali che ciascuno di essi cerca di far valere facendo leva […]

La spesa pubblica in Italia e Germania: un confronto per periodi

The weight of public spending on GDP shows different trends in Italy and Germany. Not only is the growth of this parameter, over the period examined, greater for Italy, but Germany manages to contain the dynamics of this parameter by virtue of greater real GDP growth. The more general context seems to have allowed German administrations to effectively use public spending in an anti-cyclical function. The Italian paradox (i.e. a higher growth in public spending, not followed by a greater development of GDP) remains. A phenomenon that leaves the suspicion of a modest “quality” of Italian public spending.

Il reddito di cittadinanza come strumento di una politica economica espansiva

The purpose of this study is to explore current issues concerning Italy’s economic conditions from an international context.
Although the topic has already been abundantly discussed, it is felt that it should be analyzed and studied not only from a legal/institutional perspective but also and above all from an economic perspective. Therefore, the present study aims to broaden the scope of research by advancing the field through the study of the RdC institution from a macroeconomic point of view, therefore considered simply as an anti-crisis fiscal policy instrument to demonstrate its effectiveness.
To do this, a whole series of macroeconomic indicators will be analyzed by means of a quantitative survey that, through a graphical representation, will highlight the economic repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic and the role assumed in this regard by the Citizenship Income in terms of its capacity to affect the real economy. For this reason, the object of analysis will be the widening of the North-South divide that occurred following the aforementioned pandemic crisis, observing not only some of the most important macroeconomic data on the industrial and productive context of the aforementioned areas, but also and above all through the analysis of the data concerning the RdC, concerning, for example, the number of people involved rather than their place of residence.

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